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Tuesday 12 June 2012

View About Woman

A Good Women Inspires A Man. A Brilliant Woman Interests Him. A Beautiful Woman Fascinates Him But a Sympathetic Woman Gets Him. Do You Agree With This View?
This Question deals with women of different accomplishments and how man reacts towards them. The qualities of woman categorized here are goodness, brilliance, beauty and sympathy. Apposite to them are put inspiration, interests, fascination and getting or winning respectively. To know women of these parts one must have a wider experience which history and literature of the world.

In general the question deals with man’s relation with women but for a single man to have contact or relation with the different women mentioned here in the chance may be rare unless he be a great figure who has galaxy of women i covering around him. To inspire is to give life, to fill life with hope, to pull up the crest fallen one from despondency to optimism. When we take in air we say we inspire because we are taking in the life given blood purifying oxygen. So the action or the words of a woman may be inspiring. The one may be the wife or a good friend or as sometimes happens a poetess. To inspire, such person must basically be good.

To interest one is to make one think of the benefits that may accrue. One may be interested in a proposition because it may bring one some benefits. The benefit need not necessarily be material; it may even be mental, say a speech. Brilliance relates to the dazzle in appearance and speech and manners. The brilliance in appearance may incite jealousy; the brilliance in wit and humour attracts and interests.

To fascinate is to attract. The fascination may be real or false, the fascination may be for good or bad. The fascination of the moth for fire is a classical example where it is attracted by the light of the fire only to die. As given the beauty refers may be, only to external. A woman may be beautiful to look at and as opposite sex, man is fascinated by her but if the winner woman is not as beautiful as the outer than men having to do anything with her will be ruined beyond measure. There are stories of beautiful women who have fascinated men only to destroy them.

To get is to own. To won means also the power to command over. What i own i can easily dispose of but it is beside the point here because the question deals with the sympathy. Sympathy is to have the same feeling for. When one sympathizes with another, it means the latter has the same feeling as the former, that is why we often say in sympathy with you in sympathy there we see identity of view/ When a woman has the sympathy she can naturally get the other. In fact the getting may be in different degrees. Some explanation will make this point clear.

Take for instance the sympathy of a nurse for a bay or a patient. In both cases the getting may not be exactly by owning but it is getting a permanent place in the heart of a baby or the patient. The sympathy shown by the mother, helps her get the child. Where children are brought up by others, the sympathy of children for their mothers is very thin indeed. A good wife must have the sympathy for her husband to get him. A classical woman is described that way. She is everything for her husband. But to see a woman of all these qualities is rare and such a one is a rare phenomenon.

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