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Friday, 17 June 2022

Water Shortage in Pakistan Or Water Crisis in Pakistan


Water is a great endowment and blessing of ALLAH to man. Without water, life in this world is impossible. Water gives life and energy to everything. It is essential for the life and survival of human beings birds, beasts, plants and trees. It is the main source of energy and power. We use it for cooking our food and quenching our thirst. It is used for washing our clothes and bathing our body. It is the main source of irrigating our fields. Without it, we cannot conceive of life on earth.

Unfortunately, this great gift and blessing of ALLAH has been wasted and ill-used by the people of Pakistan. We have never paid any attention to preserve and save this great treasure of Nature. There are many areas in Pakistan where people do not get water for drinking purpose. In the interior Sind, and Balochistan, there are many towns and villages where people have to carry water from as far as thirty or forty kilometres away from their homes. The Women, children and old men have to undertake the long journey to carry water for their daily use. This is a very sad spectacle. The sources of getting water are very few and limited. Water is present in the subsoil of the earth. It Is brought to earth by the operation of tube wells and electric motors. The other source of water is the rivers, lakes and streams. Water comes into rivers and streams by the melting of massive and glaciers.

This source of getting water is quite doubtful and uncertain. Sometimes, the summer season begins late and these icebergs and glaciers are not melted in time. Consequently, the rivers and lakes become dry and barren. The country falls a victim to the shortage of water.

In 1960, a treaty between Pakistan and India was signed with World Bank meditation. The treaty is known as the “Indian Basin Treaty”. According to it, the control of waters of Ravi, Bias and Sutlag was given to India. It was decided that the Indian Govt. would help Pakistan in the construction of two large dams on the Indus and the Jhelum. But this was never fulfilled. Indian Govt. often stopped the flow of water in our rivers when it liked, out of sheer enmity.

The only way to overcome water crisis is to build dams on the river banks. The earliest dams were built to store water for domestic and agriculture. Hydropower became a major reason to build dams.

The construction of Kalabagh Dam is the need of the time. If it is not built in time, our country is going to face severe starvation and famine.


United Nations Organization (UNO)


The UNO (United Nations Organization) is a world organization. Different nations of the world formed it in 1945, after the Second World War. The UNO has very high and noble aims. Its first main aim is to prevent war in the world. Its second aim is to make people happy and prosperous all over the world. The UNO works for the whole world to bring peace and satisfaction to it.

The UNO prevents war in different ways. First of all, when there is a serious dispute between two or more of its member countries it tries to solve it. The UNO arranges discussions about the dispute between the representatives 0f the member countries. They may agree to solve their dispute. Or the officers of the UNO discuss the causes of the dispute with the rulers of the countries and try to settle their dispute. When there is a dispute between two or more countries, the UNO tries to stop it quickly. It discusses the causes of the war with the representatives 0f the fighting countries and tries to remove them.

As a peacemaking body, the security council, a branch of UNO has utterly failed. It remained silent when Afghanistan was invaded by Russia and America. The role of the security council cannot be favoured by anyone when America attacked Iraq. The occupation of Iraq by the American army has not been condemned and cursed by the security council. No resolution against America has been passed by it. The security council has done nothing to stop killing of the Muslims in Kashmir, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and other Muslim countries. We can say that UNO has failed to restore peace in any part of the Muslim World.

The UNO tries to solve the problems of health, education, agriculture etc of member countries. It provides medicines and advice to member countries for serious diseases. The UNO provides useful books, educational media material etc to member countries. It helps in educating children and common people. It also provides medicines to remove diseases of plants and crops. iI sends trained persons to different countries to advise them now to increase their food production. The UNO also helps those countries where great floods, earthquakes storms etc bring destruction.

There are two main parts of UNO. One is the General Assembly and the other is the Security Council. The General Assembly considers questions of war, peace, development and justice. It tries to give help to poor countries to improve the condition of their people. It increases cooperation among different countries. The Security Council has fifteen members. Five of these are permanent. Each of these permanent members has a right to reject any decision of the Security Council. Urgent matters of war and politics are considered here.

There are special branches of the UNO like the World Health Organization. These branches help member countries in the fields of health, education, agriculture, trade etc. The UNO gives much useful help in the economic scientific and educational fields to member countries. It has done much to bring different countries close to one another.

The UNO is not very useful in some ways. Big powers like the USA and Russia can easily reject the decisions of the Security Council by using their “Vetoes” power of rejection. These powers control the discussion in the General Assembly to a great extent. The result of this is that justice is not done to smaller powers or weaker countries. Decisions in their favour are often not taken or are rejected by the big countries.

The UNO has not been very successful in preventing war. This is so because it has not tried well to solve the disputes between different countries. S0 there have been wars between India and Pakistan and between Arab countries and Israel.

The People’s Republic of China has been admitted to the UNO. It is now a permanent member of the Deputy Council. It can play a very useful role as a world power in favour of smaller or weaker countries.

Travelling as a part of education


Travelling has always been considered a part of education by all thinkers and writers of the world. We can get education and knowledge by two ways, study of books and by means of travelling.

Knowledge gained from course books only is theoretical and imperfect. It is second-hand knowledge. We can get first-hand knowledge from our meeting with men and women. The knowledge which we get from our acquaintance with things and men can be called fresh and first hand. It has been rightly said by Shakespeare

“Home-keeping youth have homely wits.

It is our mixing with men and women which bestows on us real knowledge. It is only through travelling that we learn more about the living habits, morals and customs of people than by reading books.

All the great scholars and writers have considered travelling at part of education. Almost all the great scholars of England from Chaucer to Russell travelled abroad to complete their education. lbn e Khaldoon, Ibn-e-Batuta, Sheikh Saadi and other great writers and historians of the East were all given to foreign travel. It shows that they too were convinced about the utility of travelling.

Travelling enriches our knowledge of history. A visit to Taxila, Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro can reveal to us so many points of their civilization, on which our books are silent. If we go to Egypt, we can learn many things about Pharaoh and pyramids. Travelling to India may also enrich us with the beauties of architecture which the Moghul emperors employed during their rule. One may be impressed by the beauty of Jamie Masjid Dehli and the Lal Qila. We can go to Europe and see paintings in the churches of Rome and Florence. Travelling can also increase our knowledge of geography.

A traveller becomes a great historian, politician and economic scholar at the same time. When a person travels to another country, he gets an opportunity to study the social, political and economic problems of that country. He also studies its traditions, culture and living style of its people. He makes a comparative study of that country with his country in each field of life. In this way, he comes to know which thing is better for the people of his country. A comparative study fills him with good and bad points of both the countries.

Travelling leaves a healthy influence on a man’s character. It trains his character and polishes his habits. It gives a new colour to his manners. Travelling broadens his vision and enlarges his sympathies. He shakes off his narrow-mindedness. He becomes a member of international community. He becomes optimistic and develops a sort of tolerance in him. He comes to know his shortcomings and weaknesses when he compares his manners with others. He accepts his shortcomings with patience.

Travelling also produces in us love for beautiful things. It matures and developé our aesthetic sense. Our artistic feelings are awakened to see beautiful lands, lovely valleys and mighty oceans. The appreciation of beautiful things brings us closer to God. We are overawed by the beauty and mystery of God’s universe. We can say that travelling is a useful and healthy activity of man’s life.

Traffic Problems in a Big City, Reasons and Solutions


Life in a big city now-a-days has become very difficult and complicated. A big city offers us many social, economic and political problems which make our life very hard and rough. The first problem which we come across in a big city is the uncontrolled growth of population. This has generated the traffic problem. The traffic problem in a big city has gone beyond proportion. The traffic jams in a big city are a daily occurrence.

Traffic jams make the march of life slow and unsteady. Men and women going to their place of work are at once halted. They do not reach their office in time. The children are delayed to reach the school. The patients do not get medical aid in time. They have to stop on the way. Sometimes, the traffic is jammed for hours together. The small babies In the laps of their mother cry for milk, but they do not get it.

The traffic jams also leave a psychological effect on our mind. The passengers delayed due to traffic jams feel frustrated and angry. They blow out their horns out of frustration. The sense of loss continuously hangs heavy on their head. The delayed performance of work or duty may bring to them untold misery or loss.

Traffic jams in the modern age reflect an ugly mark on the beautiful face of the city. They are the negation of progress. In this age of‘science and technology, such jams cannot be favoured by anybody. They are a denial of the cultural growth of a city.

Reasons behind the Traffic Problems in a Big City

Let us find out the reasons for the creation of traffic jams in a big city.

The first reason for the creation of traffic jams is the unchecked growth of population. The population in a big city is increasing very rapidly. People from the villages come to settle in the cities. Our villages do not offer them the facilities and comforts of daily life. They come to the big cities in search of jobs and modern facilities of life. This thing has increased the bulk of traffic on the roads.

Secondly, the roads of the cities are narrow and uneven. They are not in a good position. They cannot withstand the pressure of traffic. As a result of the traffic jams, the flow of traffic is halted.

Thirdly, The traffic is controlled and put under heavy control when a V.l.P or President 0r Prime Minister comes to the city. The road is fully banned for the flow of traffic from where the V.I.P has to pass. Another route is re-directed for traffic. The heavy flow of traffic creates jams.

Fourthly: The slow vehicles marching ahead of the motorcars sometime put up resistance in the smooth flow of traffic.

Measures to control traffic:

1.    We can control the traffic jams by adopting the following measures.

2.    The rapid increase in population should be stopped by taking different steps.

3.    The villages should be urbanized. The migration of the villagers to the cities should be discouraged.

4.    The traffic police must be made alert and vigilant.

5.    The roads should be widened and put in a good shape.

6.    Some roads should not be reserved for the V.I.P’s. They should visit the big cities as an ordinary citizen.


The Life of Hazrat Muhammad ( peace be upon him), My Hero in History


Our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) was born in Makkah in the famous tribe of Quraish. His father, Abdullah died before his birth. So his mother, Amna Bibi looked after him. But she also died when he was only six years old. New, his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib took charge of him, but he did not live long. Finally, his uncle, Abu Talib looked after him and never left him alone in any hardship.

Our Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) married Khadija, a wealthy lady of Makkah when he was twenty-five years old. Hazrat Khadija handed over all her wealth to our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) to spend for good and noble purposes. He helped the poor and needy. When our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) reached the age of forty he was commanded by Allah, the Almighty to preach Islam. Our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) started preaching that there is no God but Allah who is the creator of the universe and to whom all human beings would return.

The people of Makkah accepted Islam very slowly. In the beginning, only a few people accepted the new religion. The Makkans indeed became the sworn enemy of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and his follower. They created all sort of troubles for the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) but he stood firm. At last, they planned to kill the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and he was compelled to leave for Medina where he was accorded a warm welcome by his followers. But the infidels did not allow him to live even there in peace. They fought several battles in order to wipe out the followers of Islam. However, Allah granted strength to our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) to defeat them and come out successful in his mission.

After ten years stay in Medinah, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) came back to Makkah with ten thousand of his followers and conquered Makkah. On the day of his conquest, he could severely punish those who caused so much trouble and planned to kill him, but he excused everybody. After that, the new religion prospered by leaps and bounds.

Our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) returned to his Creator at the age of sixty-three. He left for his followers the Holy Quran and the Sunnah. 

the Importance of Cultural Festivals and Fairs


Man is the best creature of the God. He cannot but live in society. It is an acknowledged fact that man wants to live and die with his fellow-men. It is his natural desire to share his joys and sorrows with others. This thing has given rise to the need of public fairs and festivals. Such fairs and festivals are occasionally held in every country. Sometimes they are held to celebrate some important occasion of national or historic importance. But often public fairs are held as a kind of annual gathering or stock taking. People assemble at a fixed place and give free vent to their feelings of joy and pleasure. Different kinds of games and playful activities are held, in which everybody tries to take part. Animals of different kinds are bought and sold. Stalls of different commodities are open for display. Such occasion of public enjoyment and merrymaking get the form of cattle fairs and industrial fairs.

Fairs and festivals have great recreational importance. They are an important need of human life. That is why such fairs and festivals are a common feature of human civilization all over the world. Perhaps there is no country on earth where one kind of fair or festival is not held every year. Sometimes, these fairs assume international importance. Thus Olympic games and industrial fairs of international level are a kind of joyful activity in which all the nations are invited to take part. These fairs and festivals provide a good opportunity for amusements and recreation. Recreation is a necessity of human life.

There are different kinds of artists who show their feats of skill. The farmers get an opportunity to show the best kind of cattle they have brought up. The industrialists come forward with the best kind of goods produced by them. Thus the fair reflects the emotional as well as the intellectual side of national life. It shows the things and the activities in which that nation as a whole is interested. From such fairs, we come to know the achievements made by that country in the field of agriculture, industry, handicrafts, etc. The artists get an opportunity to amuse the people with their performance. All these things give such a great attraction to these fairs that not only young men and boys see them but also old men and women are tempted to grace them. Important personalities of the country are invited to different games and achievements.

These fairs and festivals have great cultural values. They reflect the cultural life of a nation. We come to know from such fairs the ways of life and the things which are most valued by the people. They have educative value also. We can learn from such fairs the degree of industrial, agricultural and material advancement that serve us an inspiration for future struggle. They heighten the sense of national pride and glory. When we see the wonderful feats of strength, skill and ingenuity performed by various sections of society, we feel proud of our country and love it all the more.

The Horrors of War


“There is nothing that war has ever achieved that we could not better achieve without it”. (Havelock Ellis)

War is an armed conflict between two or more states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. The war between different parts of factions of the same nation is called civil war.

After analyzing the whole history of war, it can plainly be said that war had always been full of horrors, It ever resulted in death, devastation, and disease. Even then when warriors used to fight face to face, the destruction of war was dreadful.  People where slaughtered or wounded. The after-effects of war were even more horrible.

The World of today is the world of science and technology. Man has invented and discovered astonishing instruments and tools to make life comfortable and secure. But, paradoxically, he has also invented most deadly weapons for his total extinction. Now many countries of the world possess nuclear warheads, germs warfare, and chemical bombs.

“I know the horrors of war: no gains can compensate for the losses it brings”. (Adolf Hitler)

The world has become a global village. Now the various countries are linked together economically, socially and politically. If a war breaks out, the other countries cannot be neutral. They will have to intervene for their own benefits. If this happens, any war would be a world war.

War is, in fact, man’s massacre on a massive scale. Death falls from firmament or erupts from the earth. It spares no one. The innocents expire, the soldiers suffer, and the population perishes. Starvation and fatality are the ultimate upshot of war. War leads to tears and fears.

“War does not determine who is right – only who is left”. (Bertrand Russell)

War brings about irreparable devastation of material assets. Property is wrecked. Buildings are ruined. Skyscrapers, plazas, huge factories, roads, hospitals, houses, gardens, crops, railways, runways, markets, are galleries all are changed into debris.

War is also the worst foe of culture and civilization. Cultural assets, splendid paintings, matchless manuscripts, unique historical heritage and priceless antiques, all are demolished. War extinguishes beauty, smothers morality and razes reason. Man behaves like animals. The paragon of beauty, the crown of the universe is burnt into ashes.

“It is for the benefit of mankind to mitigate the horrors of war as much as possible”. (Thomas Jefferson)

The after-effects of war are even more horrible than war itself. It is said that those who perish in war are less unfortunate than those who survive. Life becomes a misery. The infants weep for mother, the mothers cry for their infant babies. The houses are razed to the ground. The young girls survive homeless. Some are crippled, some are mad, and some widows with their infants in their arms wail and weep. What a human misery appears after a war.

War is human folly. Let the world think about it. They must take solid and sincere steps to stop the war. No problem can be solved by war. Let the world come to the table of negotiation for the settlement of their disputes. The UNO must realize its duty and be earnest in its efforts to resolve the disputes among different nations

The Dignity of Labour


By labour, we generally mean work done by hands. Unfortunately, this word is used in a negative sense. There is nothing shameful in it. People having a narrow mind refer the word labour to professions adopted by carpenters, masons and their assistants. They also associate them with the lower middle class of society. As a matter of fact, these professions are benefactors of society. They play a vital role for peace and prosperity of our life. For example, mason builds a house to shelter us, a tailor sews clothes to cover our body and a farmer tills the soil to feed us.

We should not ignore that no office peon is employed in any office of the advance countries because in those countries every office worker feels no shame in doing the peon work himself. We are Pakistani and unfortunately, we feel it below our dignity.

If we read the history of nations like Japan, China, Germany etc., we shall learn that their economic development is based on attaching dignity to manual work. On the other hand, our Pakistani engineer will feel it below his dignity to join two wires and will say that it is the work of his subordinate mechanic.

In Islam all human beings are equal. Islam does not allow distinction on the basis of profession. The Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) used to work with his own hands. He carried bricks for the construction of the mosque and did not feel ashamed in mending his outworn shoes. In Islam, the honest work of all kinds is worth respecting. Even a sweeper deserves respect. In Islam work is worship.

Unfortunately, we ignore the bright example set by Holy Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) and consider manual work as undignified. We also look down upon the labour class.

People should change their thinking and should not hesitate in doing their jobs. This spirit will improve our economic condition. In the advanced countries, the major cause of the development is that dignity of labour has got its due importance.

In Pakistan, a large number of people are working in the houses of landlords. They only take the meal and clothes and server like slaves. Today every rich man always wishes to have a large number of servants in his home.

We have misused the concept of labour and this is the major cause of backwardness in our country. If we want to improve our economic condition, we should give equal status to the labour class in society.

Role of Bank


Commercial banks determine the economics of the stability of a country. They fulfill the financial needs of various sectors. In fact, capital is the basis of commerce and industry. A well-established banking system provides funds to all economic sectors including small businessmen, industrialists, contractors, farmers, cultivators, importers, exporters and traders. The banks act as a middleman to make the commercial transaction possible without any delay. At present hundreds of branches are providing banking services to people of the country. In addition to collecting deposits and making advances, banks offer a wide range of services to their customers. Undertaking stock exchange transactions on behalf of their customers is another activity of the commercial banks. They forward the orders of their customers to stock exchange brokers who try to earn a profit for the stock owners. The commercial banks also provide necessary help to the traders busy in international trade. They help the customers doing export and import trade. Banks also collect and negotiate foreign bills which are the most important instruments of payment in international trade. The banks negotiate documents of the foreign exchange bills for their customers. The documentary credit is surely a better method of payment. Such operations are extremely important for the customers involved in foreign trading. Banks provide the facility of purchase and sale of foreign currencies on the spot.

In any country, capital is considered the backbone of the economy. The shortage of capital means underdevelopment. Commercial banks provide a sufficient amount of capital to the various sectors of the economy. Banks move small savings through the country. The utility of banks is more important in a developing country like Pakistan where there is a shortage of capital. Commercial banks provide loans to agriculture, industrialists, traders and businessmen. As a result, they provide an increase in national output, employment and per capita income.

In the recent past, information technology brought a tremendous revolution in the world. It was quite natural that Banks would take advantage from the latest facilities provide through computers. Banks established their network through computers and linked up all the branches with one another. They started providing the facility of online banking. Moreover, the customers are being provided the ATM facility. Now utility bills can be paid through a mechanism provided by banks. Now it has become quite convenient for the customers to benefit themselves from the latest technology. The manual system of maintaining accounts is replaced by the computer system. In short commercial banks play a very important role in the development of the country


Rising of Prices Or Inflation

The prices of necessities of life are rising constantly. They are posing a serious problem for everybody in the country. The problem of rising prices has become a universal problem. This problem assumes an acute term in developing countries like Pakistan. The majority of people in our country belong to the low-income group. Usually, they have very meager sources of income. Very often the income of people is fixed. Therefore, they are hard hit by the high prices of essential goods which register a rise every week and every month. The result is that the standard of living of poor people is dwindling day by day.

Inflation has an adverse effect on different sections of society. Most of the people have not sufficient means to buy the necessities of life. They are compelled to use unfair means to have them. In this way, society is troubled by pick-pockets, thieves and robbers etc. Those government servants who cannot make both ends meet become corrupt. They abuse their powers and accept the bribe. In this way, they promote injustice and cruelty in the national life.

Rising prices also affect national life in the economic field. The businessmen think of adulteration black marketing and other methods to maximize their profits. Since the prices of goods are beyond the reach of common man, the standard of living goes on falling gradually.

There are many factors which cause a rise in prices.

First, the most important of these is the increase in population. The population of a country is increasing at a rapid rate. But the economic resources do not increase at the same rate. It results in inflation.

Second, if the demand is higher than the supply, the goods will be naturally sold at higher prices. Sometimes the government imposes higher taxes on certain commodities so that their prices go up. The wrong policies of government often lead to hoarding, smuggling and black marketing of the essential goods.

Third, if a businessman has a monopoly in the production and sale of a certain commodity, he can raise its price as and when he desires. In developing countries like Pakistan, developmental activities usually cause inflation. The funds and the loans that are acquired from foreign countries are invested in different projects. They increase the circulation of money in the country and cause inflation.

Our first duty should be to check the birth rate. We should make vigorous propaganda in favour of family planning. Second, the government should not impose so many taxes, levies, duties or surcharges on those commodities which are used by the common man and which are considered necessary for human life.


National Hero " Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah"

“Greatness be nothing unless it be lasting.” (Napoleon)

A National Hero is a man of exceptional Qualities. With his selfless and sincere efforts, he can mold the fate of his nation. He is a man of determination will-power, stimulates the energy, courage and enthusiasm of the people and welds them into a nation. His words have the power to inspire devotion and dedication. Carlyle has said:

“All history is the biography of great men.”

History is replete with great heroes but my own hero in history is the Quaid e Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. I like him because of his marvelous personality and noble soul. His matchless leadership liberated the oppressed Muslims of the sub-continent from the cruel slavery of the Hindus and imperialism.

The Quaid e Azam was born in Karachi on the 25th of December, 1876, in a well-off merchant family. He received his early education in Karachi. His father, Poonjah Jinnah, wanted to give him a good education to his son and kept him away from the business. At the age of sixteen, on passing the matriculation examination, he went to England and studied law at Lincoln’s Inn. After four years, he returned as a Barrister and started his practice in Karachi. Then, he shifted to Bombay. Within a short time, he became a distinguished lawyer.

In those days, Indians were struggling for freedom. He decided to take an active part in politics. He joined the Indian National Congress and worked for the freedom of his country. His political career began in 1909 when he was elected to the Indian Legislative Council. He joined the Muslim League in 1913 and tried to establish a working relationship between the Hindus and the Muslims. He was called the “Ambassador of Hindu Muslim unity”. But, he was disillusioned very soon. He realized that the Indian Congress was not sincere for the cause of the Muslims. He was convinced that Hindu-Muslim unity was not possible. So, he decided to leave the Indian National Congress in 1920.

The Quid e Azam infused new life, energy and spirit into the dull body of the Indian Muslims. His sincere and devoted leadership kindled a new imagination among frustrated Muslims. He awakened them from their slumber and organized them as a nation. He told the Muslims that the only solution to their problems was that they should have their own separate homeland where they could live their life according to their religion and culture.

“Time makes heroes but dissolves celebrities.” (Boorstin)

As a result of the untiring struggle of the Muslims under the selfless and marvelous leadership of the Quid e Azam, Pakistan came into being on the 14th August 1947. The Quaid e Azam became the first Governor-General of Pakistan. Inspite of his shattered health, he worked day and night for the great task of nation-building He died in harness on the 11th September 1948. He will always live in our hearts as the “Father of the Nation”.

“A good man never dies” (Callimachus)


Thursday, 16 June 2022

Problem of Food Shortage Causes and Solutions

Food is the essential thing which every one of us requires to keep himself alive. It is the basic need of every individual and every country. If we do not get food for a few days, we are likely to die.

Unfortunately, food shortage is a great problem in the world. There are many countries in the world where self-sufficiency in food is not present. Pakistan is one of those countries. We have to import wheat and other foodstuffs from other countries. However, we do not suffer from the shortage of food. Our government is alive on this issue They arrange sufficient quantity of food for its people. There are many countries in the world which are hit by starvation and famine.

The developing countries of Asia and Africa are facing this problem. The reasons for food shortage are many and some of them are as under:-

Firstly, The population of the world is increasing at a very rapid rate. There are more mouths to feed than the food which is available. The result is hunger and starvation. The most densely populated countries of the world have to face hunger and starvation

Secondly, The shortage of food occurs due to low productivity of certain crops. Wheat is the basic foodstuff in Pakistan, we have not attained self-sufficiency in it. The following factors are responsible for it.

(a) Old and primitive methods of cultivation.

(b) The irrigation system is old and defective. It has never been overhauled to meet the modern needs of agriculture.

(c) The marketing of crops to the cities is very poor.

(d) The farmers are uneducated and illiterate. They fight shy of using modern methods of cultivation. They keep themselves aloof from the use of tractors and tube wells.

(e) The farmers do not have enough money to purchase better quality of seeds and manure.

(f) The natural calamities too destroy the standing and ripe crops.

The goal of attaining self-sufficiency in food is certainly attainable. It is no doubt a difficult problem. But its challenge must be accepted. There are two typeset measures or means which can be adapted to increase agricultural output.
i. Long-term measures. ii. Short-term measures.

The short-term measures are the following.
i. We should educate our farmers and convince them to increase the yield of their fields.
ii. We should give them loans on easy terms. They should be enabled to buy the better seeds and good quality of manure.
iii. We must educate them to use insecticides when their crops are attacked by diseases.

Long-term measures include the following.

i. We must have land reforms. The poor farmers and agricultural laborers must be given some piece of land for cultivation. If a poor person is made the owner of a piece of land he, will get an incentive to work hard at it.
ii. irrigation system i.e. the distribution of canal water must be made on fair and just basis.
iii. The government should use their knowledge and experience to control floods.
iv. The farmers must be provided modern implements of agriculture like tractors harvesters and threshers in easy installments. If we adopt these measures, we can overcome the shortage of food in our country



“Cleanliness is the half of fath.” (حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم)

To pollute means to contaminate or make something impure. Pollution spoils the beauty and purity of things. Man has made tremendous progress. he has invented wonderful gadgets to facilitate and ease his life. These amazing devices have polluted his association with nature.

“Pollution is the forerunner of perdition”. (John Trapp)

No doubt, whistling trains, speedy vehicles that race on the roads and aeroplanes that cover miles of distances in the twinkling of an eye are an advantage but they have polluted the atmosphere in which we breathe. Smoke which emits from these running and flying toys pollutes the air which is a cause of innumerable diseases of lungs and respiratory system.

We love to decorate our houses and make our life luxurious but this luxury is at the cost of natural beauty. All the electronic devices give out such rays as are hazardous to our health. We are living in a mechanical world – the world which is explicitly friendly to us but implicitly harmful. They are our friends but, as a matter of fact, they have made us a host of diseases.

There’s so much pollution in the air now that if it weren’t for our lungs there’d no place to put it all. (Robert Orben)

The abundance of production is required to suffice the needs of the growing population. Fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides and mechanized farming are quite common and widespread. Sufficiency is the need of the hour, but all these tactics have ruined purity and worth of natural things. Lands are cultivated and they fail to produce the required quantity because of incessant cultivation. The use of these substances for a long time has proved damaging.

Factories which produce hundreds of articles of daily use are letting out poisonous fumes which contaminate the earth’s atmosphere and water. This contaminated water is supplied to crops and hence, proves damaging to health. Health is wealth which we are losing.

“Pollution- if you don’t kill it, it will kill you.” (Anonymous)

Excavation for various purposes has taken out minerals from the earth. This earth is losing its strength and it is being polluted by man for construction of houses, markets and offices. We are spoiling nature and pulling pollution in various forms.

Ozone, a protective layer which strains harmful rays and preserves our existence is being depleted by pollution. The need of the hour is to take measures to control pollution in order to preserve the future of our succeeding generations.

To conclude, we can say that pollution has become a social problem. The government should take practical measures to cope with this mushrooming menace. But the efforts of the government alone can not suffice to address this issue. It calls forth public awareness and active participation of the individuals as well.

The health effects of air pollution imperil human lives. This fact is well-documented. (Eddie Bernice Johnson)

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

“NGOs” means non-governmental organizations which are devoted to the service of the poor and the downtrodden. They are mainly concerned with the uplift of rural and village people. They are engaged in solving their problems in the field of health, education and social welfare. They are supposed to open schools and colleges to educate the illiterate. They provide the school going children free education. They give books and stationery free of cost. Sometimes they also provide clothes to the deserving children.

The NGO’s have rendered great service in the field of health. They have established health care centres in different backward villages where women and children are properly treated. Women are properly looked after during pregnancy and childbirth. They are given free medicines and free food in these centres. The medical treatment is altogether free.

The NGO’s also work for the social and economic welfare of poor people. During the period of crisis, like storm, earthquake, flood and fire, their staff and workers rush to the place of disaster and help poor people with funds and food. They transport the victims of the disaster to some safe place. They help helpless people with full care and devotion. Owing to their dedication, they are loved and admired by everyone.

The NGOs are funded and supported financially by the Government and the Western Countries. The donors keep an eye on the work of these NGOs. They make an audit of the money they provide to these organizations. The NGO’s often operate within the framework designed for them by the donors. However, some of the NGO’s misuse the money and work against the interest of the country. They indulge in subversive activities and work against the interest of Pakistan. The Government should keep an eye on the activities of such doubtful NGO’s. During wartime, the nefarious activities of such NGO’s come to the surface.

Let us have a partial look at the NGO growth The Red Cross (known as Hilal-e-Ahmer) was formed in 1863 to help war victims. The Idarh Kisan (IK) is a farmer’s organization that is functioning in 109 villages of Kasur and Okara. It provides help and guidance in farming. Edhi Foundation is also working very well in Pakistan. The APWA (All Pakistan Women’s Association) has been associated for the uplift of poor women. It has opened many vocational schools in different parts of the country.

The NGO’s are no doubt doing a useful service to the people. However, it must be checked that they do not work against the interests of the country for their vested interest of getting money from foreign powers. Their accounts must be checked and audited.


Modern Youth or The Problems of Young People


The man has various phases of life, childhood youth and old age. The years of childhood and boyhood are a period free from earnestness and cares of life It is only in youth that one comes to taste some of the realities of life. To be young is indeed very thrilling. It is a period of lite when the physical mental and spiritual powers of a man near maturity. These powers bloom and flourish in a free and unrestrained atmosphere.

The young man is conscious of overgrowing energy and power. He is hopeful optimist and ambitious. He wants to tap all the sources of world and intends to become the king of all he surveys. The boundless aspirations and ideals are the very essence of youth A young man is passionate. He lives in the present and is unmindful of the future. He rushes in where angels fear to tread. He is thoughtless and foolish in many of his actions. He lacks experience and maturity. He sows wild oats and commits many blunders. We can say that youth is a period of irresponsibility.

The modern young man has become a rebel to society. He does not accept the normal moral values of society. He loves violence and wants to lead a life of freedom. Everywhere in the world, the young man is seen confronting the forces of law and order. He is the great enemy of accepted values of society. In the newspapers, we read, news about their clashes with police. They bring out processions and address public meetings. Their expression of revolt takes different shapes. They drive their vehicles fast. They keep long hair and smoke before their parents, teachers and elders. Everywhere in the world, they are fighting for a change.

The causes of their revolt are quite obvious.

First, they are against the unjust economic and social order Majority of the people are getting a little. They are against the deep hatred which lies among different countries. They want to have a better world. They want to promote international understanding among different nations of the world. They want peace, justice and order in the world. They are against modern materialistic trends of the world. They are against hypocrisy insincerity and falsehood in every field of life.

Secondly, they find that the conditions existing in the field of education are not favourable. There exists many disciplinary laws and rules which control their activities. They do not enjoy proper freedom in universities and colleges to promote their healthy activities. Moreover, after getting the education, they do not get jobs according to their ability and qualification. They demand an end to artificial barriers between the students and teachers. They are very sensitive to cheating and fraud that is practised in the examinations. The youth nowadays is also not satisfied with the courses and syllabus of teaching. These factors are responsible for their unrest and revolt.