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Friday, 17 June 2022

Rising of Prices Or Inflation

The prices of necessities of life are rising constantly. They are posing a serious problem for everybody in the country. The problem of rising prices has become a universal problem. This problem assumes an acute term in developing countries like Pakistan. The majority of people in our country belong to the low-income group. Usually, they have very meager sources of income. Very often the income of people is fixed. Therefore, they are hard hit by the high prices of essential goods which register a rise every week and every month. The result is that the standard of living of poor people is dwindling day by day.

Inflation has an adverse effect on different sections of society. Most of the people have not sufficient means to buy the necessities of life. They are compelled to use unfair means to have them. In this way, society is troubled by pick-pockets, thieves and robbers etc. Those government servants who cannot make both ends meet become corrupt. They abuse their powers and accept the bribe. In this way, they promote injustice and cruelty in the national life.

Rising prices also affect national life in the economic field. The businessmen think of adulteration black marketing and other methods to maximize their profits. Since the prices of goods are beyond the reach of common man, the standard of living goes on falling gradually.

There are many factors which cause a rise in prices.

First, the most important of these is the increase in population. The population of a country is increasing at a rapid rate. But the economic resources do not increase at the same rate. It results in inflation.

Second, if the demand is higher than the supply, the goods will be naturally sold at higher prices. Sometimes the government imposes higher taxes on certain commodities so that their prices go up. The wrong policies of government often lead to hoarding, smuggling and black marketing of the essential goods.

Third, if a businessman has a monopoly in the production and sale of a certain commodity, he can raise its price as and when he desires. In developing countries like Pakistan, developmental activities usually cause inflation. The funds and the loans that are acquired from foreign countries are invested in different projects. They increase the circulation of money in the country and cause inflation.

Our first duty should be to check the birth rate. We should make vigorous propaganda in favour of family planning. Second, the government should not impose so many taxes, levies, duties or surcharges on those commodities which are used by the common man and which are considered necessary for human life.


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